We’re just over one week away from Thanksgiving. Families across the country will be congregating to celebrate, eat and spend time together! While it’s an enjoyable time of the year, the planning, cooking and preparation can be stressful. To help you avoid the stress, we’ve compiled a list of a few things you can do ahead of time to alleviate some stress.
Make a List
Make a list of everything that needs done for the holiday, ahead of time. Whether it’s preparing bedrooms with new linens, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning your home, or even preparing food, a list will help you to stay organized. And even better, you might find a few things on your list that you can do ahead of time.
Prepare Guest Living Spaces Ahead of Time
Wash and change bedding, wash towels and other linens, clean the guest bathroom. While necessary, most of these chores can be done ahead of time if you don’t plan to have anyone else staying in these spaces between now and the holiday weekend. Working ahead on tasks like this will leave you feeling less stressed when the time comes.
Chop Vegetables Ahead of Time
If you have vegetables that will need chopped, whether for a vegetable tray appetizer or for your main course, use the couple of days ahead of the holiday to start chopping and bagging your vegetables. Label the vegetable bags for each dish you are making to consolidate your cooking time.
Grocery Shop Early and Store Items
While you may have to grocery shop for fresh ingredients closer to the big day, purchasing your dry goods, paper goods, canned goods and frozen goods and storing them will help alleviate a lot of stress.