Summer can be a perfect time to put your renovation dreams into place.
For most people, home renovations answer a family need- perhaps a finished basement for the kids’ playroom or an upgraded master bath. All of these are worthwhile projects if you plan to remain in your home for more than a couple of years. On the other hand, if you’re looking to add value right away, your dream renovation may be a sleek new kitchen with granite counters and stainless-steel appliances or a fabulous in-ground pool. So, with the summer here, what better time than now to start your home renovations?
Top Renovation Ideas
- Paving the driveway: Asphalt is always best laid during the summer, as the asphalt hardens more slowly, allowing for a much smoother finish.
- Painting your home: When painting outside, summer means you don’t have to deal with spring storms or winter snows. When you are doing the work inside, you have the advantage of keeping all the windows wide open for the best ventilation and drying.
- Replace your windows and doors: In addition to improving curb appeal, upgrading windows and doors typically makes homes more energy efficient.
- Finish your basement: If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to add extra living space to your home, a basement remodel can offer a 70% return on investment.
- Landscape your garden: If you want to landscape and add some color to your garden, then summer is the time to do it, as plants and shrubs need the warm months to become acclimated to their new home.
Benefits of Renovating Your Home
Among the many other advantages of renovating a home are the benefits of reduced maintenance and utility costs. Home repair costs often increase significantly when maintenance is ignored or postponed too long, but by starting an improvement project when a problem first appears, it will often save you from additional expenditures. Replacing windows, doors or siding will result in greater security and a higher level of energy efficiency. When you replace outdated and insufficient insulation with newer and more efficient materials, your energy savings will be substantial over time too. Even the addition of a sunroom can reduce energy consumption and lower the operating cost of a house.
Create Your Dream Home with Rainbow Construction
Whether you are seeking the dream kitchen you have always wanted or the dream home you have always pined for, Rainbow Construction is here to help. With over 53 years of experience and a fantastic reputation, Rainbow Construction can make your dreams a reality. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, professional expert workers, and competitive rates. To learn more about our custom home building, visit us online or give us a call at (301) 843-1018. To learn more about our services and who we are, follow us on Houzz, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.