Rainbow Construction

Preparing Your Home for Winter Weather

While the first day of winter is still a little more than two weeks away, our area has officially hit cold weather season, and with that often comes snow, sleet, ice and rainy conditions! It’s hard to know when inclement weather may hit, but there are many things you can do to prepare your home for winter’s elements and freezing temperatures!

Clean HVAC Intakes and Service Outdoor HVAC Unit
Making sure your HVAC system is in proper working fashion, and having routine maintenance conducted before the weather turns frigid might save you from your system breaking down at the worst possible time. Be sure to change your intake filters, clean dust from the outside register and consider contacting an HVAC company come out and perform routine maintenance.

Switch Ceiling Fans to Rotate in a Clockwise Position
In the winter, it’s best to switch your ceiling fans to rotate clockwise to keep the warm air flowing down towards the floor.

Hang Thermal Curtains on Windows and Sliding Doors
Thermal curtains make a world of difference to keep the hot summer sun out and the cool air in, and in the winter time, to keep the cool air out and heat inside! You can very inexpensively purchase thermal curtains to help keep your home’s temperature regulated.

Purchase Ice Melt and Snow Shovels Now
If you have a place to store them, purchasing ice melt and snow shovels now will keep you from panic buying and possibly running into a shortage in the stores when the time comes. Having these items on hand will make life much easier when inclement weather arrives.

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